Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Anyone interested in skating with CRT once we get back to Burlington? I've been trying to get out and skate over vacation, but lately the ponds have been either melting or covered in snow. If you've got skates, bring them back to school with you, and hopefully we can get some good ice while we're back at school.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Running TImes

The weather's getting colder and the days are getting shorter; remember that CRT has new practice times at 7 AM and noon during the week. Take some time away from finals prep and go for a run in the next few days. It will clear your head and help you be more productive when you do hit the books!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Racing in the Rain

    Seven CRT members drove down to Montpellier today for the Fallen Leaves 5k.  We competed with 40 other runners in a rainstorm, which made it a cold, but refreshing ending to the season for many of us.  The course was on a cinder track and fairly flat bike path, which made it a very smooth run without too much slipping and sliding in the mud.  Our own Dayna Comeau and Jacob Mott won first place in their age groups.  Next weekend there will be another race at the same course in Montpellier.  

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cold Running

      It's getting cold outside, but that's no reason to stop running!  We'll still be meeting every evening at 5:15 to run, so join us out on the lawn behind Skiff Hall on weekdays.  Make sure you're prepared for the weather so that your workouts will be as enjoyable as possible.  Dress in layers, so you can warm up without freezing.  A general rule of thumb is to dress for weather 20 degrees warmer than it really is when you're getting ready to run.  Another trick is to get moving for about 10 minutes before going outside, so that your muscles have time to warm up beforehand.  Keep warm this winter and happy running!  
For more tips about winter running go to:,7120,s6-238-267-269-12420-0,00.html

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Few Photos

Dave and Darin at practice last week.  
Look in the October issue of the Champlain Current for more CRT updates and info!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daily Runs in Burlington

We’ve had outrageously perfect weather for the past 3 weeks of CRT daily runs, which has given us the chance to explore some great routes.  Usually we have about 4 to 8 runners when we take off at 5:15 for our runs, which are either at the waterfront, UVM bike paths, or the new Prospect Street Loop that we tried last Tuesday, which turned out to be a fairly flat 3.25 mile course through residential neighborhoods.  On Thursdays we do a community run starting at SkiRack on Main Street.  The weather looks like it will be rainy this coming Monday for practice, but hopefully it will clear up later in the week so we can enjoy these great autumn temperatures for our daily runs!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Catamount Purple

Five runners arrived at the Catamount Race in Williston, VT seven minutes before the starting gun. With paperwork to fill out, safety pins to attach, and the decision whether or not to run to the bathroom; the race began before we knew it. Imagine 140 runners in a single file trail for 3.1miles (5K) running in 5-7min miles. David Mortner took an early lead, and having not run the course before, placed 5th overall. Other runners, Jeffrey Campell, Adam Tinker and Bret Dewhurst all finished in under 20 minutes in what was the fatest race the CRT has seen yet.

The absence of bees swarming the course was a positive, but the trails made this course difficult, and tunnel vision kicked in for most of the runners. Ever been chased by a bear in the woods? This course will teach you what it's like. And for those of you who want to experience this mind-numbing course, with a challenging hill, and more wraparounds and turns than the backroads of Vermont, you have one last shot. On September 22nd, 2009 at 6:15pm, you better believe the CRT will tackle Catamount one last time. Will it be the Purple Course we ran this week? Maybe the Blue or the Invitational? Or will it be the dreaded Pink Course; which synonyms include hell, terrifying, and catastophic. Only time will tell.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Archie Post 5 Miler

            CRT hit the ground running with out first race this Saturday, September 12th.    CRT members Janine Allo, Jeff Mandell, Craig Pepin, Bret Dewhurst, and I faced the Archie Post 5 miler (that’s right 5 miles, not K) among about 150 other runners.  The race was a casual affair.  There was no gun at the start and the starting line itself was at seemingly random juncture in a quiet neighborhood next to the Burlington Country Club.  For most of the race, we ran on a beautiful bike path that winded through some forest areas with giant pine trees to finish at the UVM Gutterson Field House.  If you missed the race, I would recommend doing a long run on the course, because it is a great route.  The two biggest bonuses to the race, though were that 1) it was a surprisingly (and for most of the race, unnervingly) flat course for Burlington, with only one long, gradual hill over the last mile, and 2) there were $10 FleetFeet gift certificates for all finishers!  With our upcoming 5ks, CRT plans to have even more representation at races, so keep checking you email or Champlain Running Team on Facebook for updates.     

Saturday, September 5, 2009

CRT Kickoff

            If you’ve run before, you know that a beautiful city; fun, interesting people; sick t-shirts; and pasta parties make powerhouse teams.  This Tuesday, September 8th is going to kickoff the Champlain Running Team (CRT) for 2009-10, and we’ve got all the necessities to crank through the year, as well as bonuses like cheap (or FREE) race entries and the opportunity to meet 50 other Champlain College students and staff who are as dedicated to running as you are.  The team is open to athletes who are strapping on their first pair of running shoes this fall and seasoned runners, so make sure to be there on Tuesday, no matter what your ability.  The meeting starts at 5 at Skiff Hall, but if you can’t make it and would like some more info, email Bret Dewhurst and   Also, make sure to come dressed for an easy run at the waterfront after the meeting!